Thursday, 10 May 2007

Jokhang Temple

Built in 647A.D and located in the center of Lhasa, it is one of the earliest constructions in Tibet, its roof is covered with gold, making much of a sight.

There are various statues of Buddha, in the central hall on the first floor, there is a gold sitting statue of a 12-year old Sakyamuni, brought in by Princess Wencheng. It is one of the most precious antiques in Tibet. A large number of precious walls along lobbies and inner temples are covered with legendary frescos.

The Tang Willow(The willow trees beside the Tablet, called “Princess Willow”, is said to be planted personally by Princess Wencheng and the Tubo King Songtsan Gambo.) and the TangPo Unite Tablet(constructed for the confederacy between Tang dynasty and Tupo Kingdom) are still in front of the temple.

The special structure style of Jokhang Temple is the symbolization of Buddhistic thought. The west toward gate means the final pure area of human is in the west(in China, most of temples’ main bodies or gates faces to west, only a few faces to south), the brilliant center of the temple stands for the core of the universe, and so on.

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